Frequently Asked Questions

PM10 refers to particles with diameters of 10 microns (10µ) – 100 times smaller than 1mm

PM2.5 refers to particles with diameters of less than 2.5 microns (2.5µ)

PM2.5 – 36 times smaller than grain of sand

PM2.5 – 30 times smaller than diameter of human hair fiber

HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are made of densely spaced glass fiber. Typically a washable pre-filter traps all larger particles and then allergens such as pollen, pet dander, mould spores and dust get trapped in the dense fibers of the filter. Many HEPA air purifiers also contain an additional carbon filter to capture chemicals, odours and gases. Once the contaminated air is purified, a fan sends it back into the room as clean air. Please be aware that there is potential to saturate these filters, leading to secondary pollution which infiltrates the air in the room you are trying to treat.

HEPA 12 has an overall efficiency of 99.5% and can trap particulate matter down to 0.5 microns (0.5µ) in size. As you upgrade to a H13 HEPA Filter, the overall efficiency rate increases by 0.45% to 99.95% and traps particulate matter down to 0.3 microns (0.3µ).

CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate.

It indicates the volume of filtered air delivered by an air purifier. It is given in three measurements – for pollen, tobacco smoke and one for dust.

The higher the CADR number, the faster it is claims the unit filters the air of particulates BUT NOT of gaseous pollutants which should be considered when buying an air purifier.

Please note – Efficiency of air purifiers reduces dramatically after 20 minutes and so CADR is not representative of true filtration power.

People suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) should not trust a CADR rating

CFM stands for Cubic Feet per Minute. This measurement represents how many cubic feet of air move through the unit per minute The higher the CFM, the better potential air purification results.

Keep in mind that CFM can be impacted by a variety of factors, including fan speeds, insulation, air flow in the room, furniture in the room, and the amount of pollutants in the air.

ACH stands for Air Changes per Hour. This indicates how frequently the air purifier filters or changes all of the air in a given space per hour. For example, an ACH rating of 6 means that all of the air in your room is thoroughly filtered six times per hour.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Is the air quality within and around buildings and structures. IAQ is known to affect the health, comfort and well-being of building occupants.

Poor indoor air quality has been linked to sick building syndrome, reduced productivity and impaired learning in schools.

Air Quality Index (AQI) – Is a system used to warn the public when the outside air pollution is dangerous.


Air purifiers are designed to fit a variety of spaces, from large to small. Make sure you look at not only the square meterage of the room it will be primarily used in, but also the height of the room.

There are usually 4 types of filters that remove different pollutants be they particulate or gaseous.

                1) Pre-Filter

                2) Static Filter

                3) HEPA Filter

                4) NCCO Reactor Filter

 To ensure that our units are optimised to provide the most effective protection we suggest the following maintenance routine.

  • Pre-Filters should be cleaned (by washing with soapy water every month).
  • We suggest that Static Filters should be changed every 3 months.
  • HEPA Filters should be changed every 12 months at most.
  • RHT’s NCCO Reactor Filter has a life of up to 12yrs but depends on routine maintenance of other components.

RHT units have a range of between 30 and 58 dB noise level.

PLEASE NOTE that loudness of an air purifier (measured in decibels) depends on a few factors such as the model of air purifier, the fan operating speed, and personal noise tolerance.

Most air purifiers feature multiple cleaning speeds. Thus, if your air purifier is operating at its maximum cleaning speed, it will be louder than if it is operating at a lower speed. Keep mind, however, that noise is subjective and what might be intolerable to you might not be as loud to someone else.

Yes, RHT has scientific data to support its claims of pollution removal including following pollutants;

  1. Formaldehyde
  2. Ammonia
  3. Ozone
  4. Toluene
  5. Xylene
  6. Benzene
  7. Acetic Acid

Most of the bacteria and viruses, depending on size are trapped in the HEPA filter and some are trapped in the pre-filters. The upstream active oxygen neutralises them instead of letting them being trapped only. RHT believes that the process will also kill the very minute bacteria and viruses (those smaller than PM2.5) during the air stream going through the system.

No, it will not affect your health, it’s a normal odour given off when the initial Catalytic Oxidation process starts within the NCCO reactor. This will disappear as the unit is used.

Yes, it is very effective at removing smoke. Please see our video in our video section.

Yes, NCCO technology has proven to be effective in killing viruses and bacteria.

It has test certification for the following e.g.

 Virus – H3N2 and Coronavirus strains

 Bacteria – Staph Albus

 Fungi – Candida Albicans


The NCCO product is safe for all kinds of users, including Asthma patients. There is some misunderstanding about the active oxygen including ozone which some people might be concerned about. Active oxygen is generated and contained within the system, it not released into the air. Any excessive active oxygen generated within the unit will be consumed by the NCCO reactor. No excessive active oxygen will be released into the air. All of RHT’s products comply with regulated CE certification and Ozone emission test is one of the required parameters. Copy of CE report  IEC60335-2-65 where the ozone emission needs to be lower than 50ppb, is available.

When the NCCO Reactor is used the first time, it will release heat as stated in the Instruction Manual. This is normal, and afterwards going forwards the heating effect will no longer happen. The system does not release Ozone during this time.