
Information on how flexible the b-MOLA Go is in the household environment and on the move

Information on development of NCCO technology through the help of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)


Shows graphically how air is treated by RHT’s Air Treatement Systems

Explanation on how Nano Confined Catalytic Oxidation (NCCO)


This is a test to show over a 72hr period how effective even the smallest of the b-MOLA units is in removing bacteria in a room environment

This is a test to show how effective NCCO technology is in removing smoke and particulate matter

This is a test to show how effective NCCO technology is in removing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), such as Acetone

Schematic Videos of Industrial and Commercial Units

RH490C – Ceiling or trolley mounted system

EC920 – Ceiling. wall mountable or trolley mounted system

RM-480C – Mobile air treatment system

RH-220 – ‘in-line’ duct or mobile system